Representation in "Roll Call"


In total, our film has six characters that are given representation, however, only four are of notable value. The two supporting characters would be a faceless police officer and the outline of a detective working to crack this upcoming case. They are portrayed with no real personality other than what they are usually known for, mostly because they had no lines and rarely any screen time. 

Our four main characters though represented some major stereotypes that one would find in Tv or film. This is meant to show four basic high schoolers that you'd be able to find in school. For instance, we have one character, me, who is meant to be short-tempered, easily frustrated, and confident. People would usually consider these to be qualities of a jock, which nearly everyone is familiar with. The second character would be played by Tyler. He is shown to be a "nerd", stuttering in the face of authority, wearing tacky clothing, and speaking very fast. Our next character was played by Kayla. She was meant to portray one of the rich, snobby girls that nobody can stand. They think only of themselves, never concerned with others. Finally, Aaliyah plays the role of the everyday student, scared for her life, on the verge of tears, and just overall confused about the whole situation. 

We are challenging representation in this film by having the demographic be catered to high schoolers. This is meant to show that even with a deadly crime, anyone could have committed it, even people you may already know. Usually, a murder would be done by someone over the age of 18, with a lot of pent of anger and rage, yet this makes you question who really did it. Nobody is considered innocent, no matter how nice and virtuous they may seem. 

There are some edits that we could make for a few of the characters. For example, they can all be more nervous, speak faster, have more emotion, etc. These are meant to be children accused of a crime that could definitely ruin their futures, so there should be a lot of intensity and fear for what could happen. 


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