
For our project, we used a wide assortment of filming equipment that allowed us to do it as professionally as possible. Aaliyah's boyfriend had high-quality equipment including a camera, microphone, muffler, tripod, and a drone. Each of these items was used for nearly the entire process. 

The first scene starts off with a police car rolling onto a crime scene with someone getting out of the car; this is recorded on both the Nikon camera we used and a microphone as shown in the pictures above and below. 

Next, it shows my character getting out of a car and walking into a police station to start the initial interrogation. This was filmed on a drone with a camera, as shown when the camera tilts upward to show the title card. There wasn't much audio during this time so the music will be edited in post-production. 

All of the remaining questioning scenes, it was recorded on the same camera and the tripod. At times, it would rotate and follow the movement of certain characters, but it stayed focused on the central person for the most part. The audio was filmed on a microphone which was placed on the table where we filmed. The picture below shows the setup. 

There were no apps that we used during the editing process as we didn't feel the need to truly alter what was already recorded. We used the DaVinci Resolve software to edit everything. The extent of changing everything would be in transitions where we used a fade to white or fade to black at the end at during certain scenes. 


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