Film Opening Research #1 - Train to Busan

To start off the discussion about film openings, I decided to choose the movie Train to Busan. This movie showcases a father and daughter's journey as they attempt to survive the starting wave of the apocalypse. Throughout the opening sequences of Train to Busan, there are exactly 10 titles showcased within a 3:30 second span. It opens with three major production companies, each with its own introduction. Then it lists the major groups and investors that provided funding towards the movie production, the production team, and finally, the title. Unlike many other films, the starting sequence is an actual scene that provides a significant amount of background information. Although it's a continuous clip, there are many things that the camera focuses on, such as people in hazmat suits, chemical disinfectants, and most importantly, a deer that comes back to life after being run over. Seeing nearly every person in the first shot in protective gear, it's obvious that they are in the presence of dangerous materials. This carries a very negative connotation, as safety is not guaranteed and each person is put at extreme risk. 

There are multiple ways that the horror genre is conveyed throughout the opening sequence. One such way would be through the mise en scene. The colors and lighting are dark and gloomy, making a tense environment. Another crucial thing to pay attention to would be the setting. It's in an isolated biochemical facility in a part of the mountains, far from civilization. This, coupled with the copious amounts of fog is very offputting to the audience. The use of fog is purposely used, as it is used to represent uncertainty and approaching death. Also, the camera work is very typical for a horror movie. When the audience is introduced to a seemingly dead deer coming back to life, there is a very slow pan until the subject is in focus. This evokes a sense of unsettling psychological impact. 

One of the strategies used to appeal to this movie's target audience is the multi-layered nature of the film. There are many different things that people are able to pick up from watching Train to Busan, such as the emotional intensity and themes of empathy and class struggle. This movie has non-stop entertainment at every turn, which could be why it performed so well not only in Korea but in the United States as well. Although it's already been touched on, there are many different ways that technology was utilized to provide an effective opening. Much of this has to do with the camera angles and transitions, such as the POV shot and slow pan. Both are used during key scenes to convey suspense and build up anticipation within the crowd. There is also the use of sound, such as the splatter when one of the characters ran over a deer. Additionally, there is the crunching of bones when it was in the process of coming back to life. 


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