Title Sequence


Here it is! This is our film's defining characteristic and the one that makes it easily recognizable from all else. The movie is called "Roll Call", which is actually pretty clever when you analyze why. All four protagonists are high schoolers, each is being interrogated and called up to the questioning table, and it's a short, catchy title. Tyler was the one who originally came up with it and though I found it a tad corny at first, it started to grow on me. As a group, we decided to replace the first "O" with a magnifying glass, since this is a mystery. The detective is attempting to figure out who the killer is, so they're looking closely at every possible clue. Next, the text is all red with bloody stains dripping down each letter. It is purposely done that way to show the death that occurred off-screen before the film took place. 

Our title shows up after the crane shot of the Miramar Police Station that Jason Smith is taken to. It would show my character walking inside, turning to face the station, slowly rising, then pausing on a blank wall. This wall is where this title will show up, staying there for a few seconds. 


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