Sound Post

Sound! Now I have a love/hate relationship with the audio for this project. Recording it in the first place was by far the easiest thing ever, it took at most five minutes. However, synching it with the videos is a WHOLE other question. 

There were two audio recordings that we made for our dialogue scenes. We had the original recording where the camera we used picked it up AND we used a separate microphone that was supposed to record in much better quality. After placing them into the editing software, we had to match the voice along with our lips which were surprisingly complicated. Every time the clips were edited or moved it would mess something else up which just made our job even more complicated. 

Our film actually had a healthy mix of Diegetic v. Non-diegetic sounds. The dietetic sound in this movie includes the police siren, footsteps, doors opening and closing, and characters speaking. It would also include any sounds that occurred from us moving in the scenes. There's a scene with my character where I open a folder, close it, and storm out of the room. All of the little sounds are a part of the ambiance which are included under Diegetic sound.

Next, the non-diegetic sound was everything including post-production that didn't have a clear source. This would be the narrator's voice. They had an audio commentary over each of the character introductions. 

Meshing the audio together was the longest part of everything and BY FAR the most stressful. We didn't use any music (yet) but we may include it afterward if we feel that we need it. Overall, the sound was one of the most important factors in our overall project and it turned out pretty well. 


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