Ideas That Weren't Included

For our project, there were a lot of initial ideas that we were going with that we just COMPLETELY disregarded.  Whether it be because we physically couldn't do it or because we just didn't have time, there were a lot of ideas that we had for this movie that didn't end up making the final cut.

At first, our group wanted to take a horror approach to this project. We were thinking of doing some kind of apocalyptic movie where the world is ending. There were plenty of ideas on the board that we thought would be so cool but we had a reality check. How in the world would we be able to edit a horror film... Well, the answer is simple. We couldn't. So we scrapped that idea and had to go back to the drawing board.

Although we thought it would take a while, we immediately got the next idea for our movie. My group decided upon a murder mystery-type movie. This was great and we had a long script planned out. However, after filming we realized that it would've gone WAY over two minutes so we had to get rid of a whole section that we filmed. 

There were plenty of things that we could've incorporated to this movie, and ideas that we thought we wanted, but it ended up getting scrapped. Even though this was the case, our movie still ended up turning out just how we wanted.


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