Finished Project Feelings


WE'RE DONE. It's Done. It's Over. 

After stressing for so long, our group has finally finished our first media production project. There were many difficulties that we had during our actual filming process, but once we figured out the logistics for everything it got a lot easier. To be honest, I'm grateful for my group because if I had to do this with people who I couldn't get into good communication with, this would've been the biggest flop known to man. One of the only reasons that this turned out as well as it did was because I was able to text all my group members throughout the day and get ideas/opinions/help on many different topics. 

After looking back on our project, there were many things we could've done better. For instance, we could've begun filming and editing MUCH earlier. One of the most difficult aspects of this project was finding a location for the film which took about two weeks because of people either forgetting to go look or the location just being entirely unusable. After deciding on the Miramar Branch Library, everything was smooth-sailing from there ... until it wasn't. Tyler and I got to the library the minute it opened and went to go reserve the study room to try and set up our project but this old man took the room before us. Instead of actually utilizing the room, he used it to nap while his children played on their computers which not going to lie was extremely annoying. We had to wait a full 2 1/2 hours for him to get kicked out after basically forcing him to leave. The actual filming process went well though, it was just getting everything together that we had issues with. 

None of the members in our group had any experience in editing prior to this occasion. This means that we were straight novices trying to work on a multi-million dollar production. Just kidding. But there was a lot that we learned how to do after the fact which I know we couldn't have done before starting this project. Overall, it was because of my group and their tenacity that we managed to defy the odds and finish this project on time. 


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