

There are many different colors that are showcased within our movie, each done intentionally. All of the characters shown in the movie are wearing colors that match their personality, as shown first with the police officer shown in the intro. 

When the officer gets out of the cop car, all that is shown is their lower body. Although there isn't much to notice, it's important to look at the color of their pants. They're black, which represents mystery and power. The cop is someone of authority, as he is about to go to the murder location and begin the movie.

Our next character in the film would be Jason, played by me. He is meant to be an emotional, courageous, hot-head that doesn't respond well to officials in power. He is shown to be wearing a red bomber jacket, which accurately shows his personality. 

Next, there is Felicity, played by Kayla. She is someone born into an important family, reflected by her feelings of self-superiority. She finds this investigation irrelevant and a waste of her time. She is seen wearing a purple dress, as this is the color of royalty. People of this class typically have no care for others around them and view themselves as the greatest person in the room. 

Our next character on the list is Mayah, played by Aaliyah. Out of everyone so far, she is by far the most normal. She is an artistic high-schooler, wearing an assortment of colors. She is a shy character who doesn't do well in confrontations, which is shown by the color of the outfit she wears. 

Our final character in this showing is Simon who Tyler takes the role of. He is wearing a blue polo, which shows the timidness of his nerd persona. Blue could also be used to show sadness, as Simon is extremely fearful for what this will do to his future. 


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