Preparing to Film


Alright! So now we're going to start our filming process. In the previous blog post, I mentioned how my group has finished our storyboard for our film, so now it's time to put everything together. Our preparation process has been an arduous task, but it's definitely worth all the time we've put into it. 

There have been so many challenges in the pre-production aspect, especially between our group members. One thing that we all learned about each other is how busy and conflicting our schedules are. Finding a specific day to start filming has delayed the actual process by at least a week, considering it's only this Sunday - Feb. 13th - that we actually begin. Another concern that I have regarding this project is the camera work itself. Filming the specific camera angles in a way that doesn't look like a high school project is something that we're going to have to practice and work towards. Not only must we find a valid device, but doing it without a shaky hand and with good quality is where our talents are really going to have to shine. 

Although each of us has specific roles, many of our duties end up overlapping in the end. This results in a lot of communication between the group, which actually is pretty beneficial. I am working on the groundwork for the filming process, such as the script and environment. I did a lot of preparation for things including the specific camera angles and shots used to emphasize certain feelings. Additionally, I'm providing any form of transportation that we may need. Next, we have Tyler who is in charge of our outfits and what we're going to wear. He is our color expert and is going to ensure the colors in the environment and on our outfits are fitting. Aaliyah helped the group find a location to film. Earlier this week, she searched different public libraries' study rooms to find one that we are all able to utilize. Last but not least, we have Kayla with the creativity and tools. Kayla has an actual camera that will be able to be used for filming, as well as a computer with editing software equipped. We're going to work as a group to edit the film and the other aspects dedicated to that. 

We are planning on having five actors throughout the entire process; with each of us fulfilling a specific role as a suspect. Each of the suspects are going to represent a specific stereotype including the hot-headed jock, the emotional crybaby, the nerd, and the rich daddy's girl. We may also have one of our parents act as the detective, but their role will be minimal. For costuming, the detective will have a trenchcoat with a hat, to ensure that one is able to figure out what they are. The other four of us will have specific colors that will be decided by Tyler. As a group, we're going to go all out and prepare a scene that looks like the image linked below. It will be to make the environment as realistic as possible. 


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