Main Character Analysis



Unlike many other groups, our movie is actually going to showcase four main characters, as each plays a pivotal role in the plot. Each of the four groupmates is going to be playing a character in our movie, each with their own unique personality and appearance. Our four main characters are :

Jason Smith - The Jock, played by Jacob Pina

Physical Characteristics: Jason is going to have the same general look as the stereotypical high school athlete. They're going to have a tall, larger build than the other characters due to his experience in sports. The picture below shows a similar build to a bully type character, so it'll be loosely based on this character. Some changes that'll be made to this will be long, brown hair and a red jacket instead. He's going to have pale skin with green eyes as well. Jason is going to be seen wearing jewelry, including chains and his class ring to showcase his school spirit. This is crucial to his overall character, as it'll be representative of his personality. 
Personality: Jason is a cocky, self-centered individual that speaks his mind which provides the impression that he's uncaring of others feelings. He acts irrationally, as he's prone to react and lash out with anger whenever provoked, which creates lots of unfortunate circumstances. When he's not an angry hot-head about to burst a fuse, he's smiling and laughing trying to fit in and seem as suave as possible. Jason looks down on most people, especially those he doesn't respect. He tends to refer to people by their last name, emphasizing his believed superiority. 
Mental State: On the surface, this character is going seem like he has the perfect life: he's always in a relationship, has lots of friends, a nice house and is on the school sports team. Although it may seem like he's always happy, it seems like everything is going wrong for Jason. He's having a rough time in school, struggling to make ends meet with his grades. He's being threatened to be cut from the sports team during his senior year season where he's supposed to be most likely to recieve recognition from colleges, so he's constantly stressed out leading to pent up emotions. He recently got publicly humiliated in a break-up he had with his most recent girlfriend which really took a toll on his pride.

Felicity Rox - The Preppy Girl, played by Kayla Jencic

Physical Characteristics: Felicity is going to to have a short, slim stature. Her hair is going to be short, black and curly at the ends. It's going to be tied up and when paired with a headband will demonstrate the personality we're hoping to achieve. She's going to be dressing in a skirt, with a sweater over a polo meant to be reflective of their wealthy upbringing. She''s going to wear purple, meant to provide an aura of elitism. Felicity is going to be seen carrying an expensive, white handbag meant to further symbolize her wealth.
Personality: This preppy girl is going to be very convential and conservative in their attitudes, behavior, and style of dress. Similar to Jason, they're going to have an air of superiority around them meant to show how they feel they are above everyone eles. Where it changes though is why: Felicity sees everyone as below her because of her wealth. She has more money than most of the teachers, so she sees most people as a waste of time. She is characterized by a ruling class upbringing, oozing with narcissism and snootiness. Her speaking style shows her upbringing as well, as she speaks extremely proper with a certain type of accent. 
Mental State: Felicity lives a life that many dream they can achieve. She has a large house, two loving parents, a boyfriend, and all the money in the world. This results in her being extremely pretentious and pompous, flaunting material items. She's often thinks of herself as a material girl, as she has always gone to expensive priavte schools with everything being top quality. She acknowlesges everything said against her and doesn't exactly deny it, in fact she embraces it. She has a stable mental state, which is more than what some of the other characters can say.

Simon Peters - The Nerd, played by Tyler Bedasse

Physical Characteristics: Simon is a man of medium height, with thin, lanky limbs. He doesn't have much weight on him because instead of physical acitivites, he prioritizes reading and studying. He has short, dark hair and is frequently seen with glasses. Simon often follows the dress code, wearing polo shirts and khakis. 
Personality: Compared to the other two characters so far, Simon is a bookworm at heart. He is the typical high school nerd, with few friends and an extreme awkward demeanor. He shys away from confrontation as he isn't used to much attention. He tries and spends his time doing anything that doesn't involve interacting with other people. Compared to Jason, Simon is someone used to being bullied and has become indifferent to other people's opinions about himself. This means he's much more of a rational thinker and assured in the decisions he makes. 
Mental State: Simon has a very clear mental state, there isn't much that disturbs him. He has his priorities straight and that is school. He doesn't focus on much else, so there isn't much that can impact his thinking other than studying for that next test. 

Myah Flores - The Artsy Girl, played by Aaliyah Alex

Physical Characteristics: Myah has a similar build to Felicity, being a short, thin girl at the same age of everyone else. She has green eyes and dark, brown hair. She often wears bright colored clothes, with paint stains visible. She has a lot of self-made jewelry, including unique bracelets and necklaces meant to emphasize her creativity and ingenuiety in terms of artistic ability. 
Personality: Myah is a very emotional person, being another character often controlled by emotion. Where she differs from Jason though is which emotions typically dominate her personality. When Jason is often angry and angsty, Myah is percieved as being downcast and always crying - even when she's happy. She has frequent breakdowns over even the smallest issues, meaning she cannot handle confrontation at all. Unlike Simon who is just a shy individual, Myah gets extremely nervous and anxious feelling like everyone is judging her. She is a soft-spoken person, often speaking their mind while in their own little world. 
Mental State: Myah's mental state is all over the place, it fluctuates constantly depending on the mood she's feeling. When she's happy, she experiences intense happiness, but wehn she's upset she has severe breakdowns. She is often in her own little world, drawing empathy from nearly all that interact with her. 


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