

For the next step in the process, we need to prepare the costuming and outfits that we're going to be wearing while filming. Each character is meant to represent a stereotype, so their colors and style are very specific. 

First, we have my role. I'm going to be playing the hot-headed jock-type character, so it's expected that I'm going to be wearing a red letterman/varsity jacket. This is going to be paired with either blue jeans or black pants, as well as white shoes. The color red is particularly chosen to represent vigor, anger, and passion. We're planning for this to be a very outspoken person, who thinks they're above everyone else, so we believe red and black are going to be a great combination. Also, the glasses/hairstyle combination works great towards the desired personality. As a prop, there may be a football to show their sportiness and athleticness to contribute to their jock attitude. 

For the next actor in this project, we have Tyler: The Nerd. To encapture the feeling of a nerd, we're planning on having a light blue polo with khakis and a belt. We chose light blue because of its meaning; it often represents honesty, integrity, and trustworthiness. The nerd is supposed to be the unexpected choice, the one nobody expects, so this will make them appear innocent. There is going to be a flat hairstyle, to show has basic and uneventful they are. We are planning on them having a book as a prop with them, to emphasize how booky they are. We may have Tyler wear converse as well since it's typically known as the common shoe for smart people. 

For our third character, we have Kayla playing the rich, spoiled Daddy's girl. We're planning on having her wear colors that exude royalty, such as a purple/black combination. I believe that incorporating a skirt/blouse with a sweater vest would be a good look, especially for her "posh" character. She's going to have a purse with her, which is a prop used to show her wealthy background. 

Last but certainly not least, we have Aaliyah playing the "artsy" girl. She's going to be wearing a more comfortable outfit than the rest of us, wearing happy and bright colors. Aaliyah is going to be wearing a green top since that is the color that best represents sensitivity. This adds to her personality, as she is a very emotional character, quick to cry at any sudden pressure. She is going to be paired with an art pad, to sure what she does whenever stressed. Maybe this could include some valuable information about the crime? It's something that can be further incorporated later on. 

For the final, most minor character, we have the detective. This is also going to follow the stereotype of a scary detective, wearing a brown trench coat with a hat. They are going to be wearing a brown color with a hat. Their prop is going to be a suitcase, considering that's where the evidence for the crime is going to be stored. 


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