Hey! Today, I'm going to be jotting down some notes on my brainstorming process after looking at some past Cambridge submissions. Each one brought different genres and techniques, each of which is important to learn. 

MOVIE 1: Rise

One of the things that I really enjoyed from this movie was the first few seconds. The way it opened reminded me of an action film, and I thought it was well done. I liked the cuts that were done throughout the video, especially when the character was "suiting up". While it was by no means a bad opening sequence, I just couldn't understand the plot of the movie. To me, it was just a soccer movie, or someone playing. Since this was recorded in the sunlight, there were no lighting issues, so that was definitely a pro of this film. One thing I enjoyed while watching was the incorporation of music, it was a really nice touch. Although the camera work wasn't too advanced, it certainly wasn't bad and kept me entertained throughout. 

MOVIE 2: Dear Lover

Right off the bat, I LOVE the nature shots shown. I'm a real sucker for beautiful shots of the environment, and it was done wonderfully. One thing that I really appreciate was the voice-over that was added. This was a really nice touch that actually made it seem like a movie opening sequence. It helped provide more to the story and seemed like an introduction and not a short film. Since it was supposed to be a Drama/Romance movie, it was not nearly as face-paced as the previous film. It really gave the proper feeling it was supposed to, but there was just something missing for me. I'm not sure if it was the camera shots being really long or if it was the music/ambiance, but I didn't like this film as much. Another thing that I thought was a nice touch though was the use of flashbacks to show past scenes. 

MOVIE 3: Dare To Thrill

This was one of the most creative films and the creators did a superb job. The Garzon Productions with a custom photo was a great touch, which really gives the feeling of a movie. I think the editing was phenomenal and was perfect for the type of movie they were going for. One of the things I liked most was the car scene, it was really entertaining with great camera work. However, although there were many pros I feel like there are just as many cons. I felt the camera shot at the beginning was really awkward and I didn't really like it. Additionally, the lighting could definitely be improved upon, but looking back it might've been intentional. The music was also a phenomenal plus, matching the actions going through the video. Overall, it was a very nice sequence, and probably one of the best ones mentioned. 

MOVIE 4: Always Watching

This was by far the most unique concept I've seen so far, and it was done pretty well. One of the things that stand out about this film is the use of dialogue. It was the most used so far but was done in a good way, especially because of the therapist's role. I really like the progression of the character's feelings, as well as the camera shots. The transitions were done quite well too. It's something I'm going to take note of and potentially use in my recording. Also, the flashback was done quite well here, it's something that impressed me that I thought should be noted down. One drawback that I felt the movie had though was lighting; I feel like this is a crucial aspect and can really make or break a movie. 

MOVIE 5: The Blue Boar

Off the bat, I really enjoyed the props used. I felt the outfit used was really well done, especially considering how important it was to the movie. Something that I felt was a nice touch was the conflicting moods created. The dressing and setting give off a relaxing feeling, however, this is immediately canceled out with the distressing camera shots. The close-shots and slow turns really give off an uncomfortable vibe, which - if done intentionally - was really well done. The outfitting is something I would like to put in my movie, especially if I can get something as good as this. 

MOVIE 6: White Coat

This movie blew me away. Literally. It was so well made and very entertaining, giving off major breaking bad vibes. This is the perfect demonstration of how important lighting is to a movie, I feel like this really sets the tone. Not only that, but the intensity of the camera shots and music was a great touch. The scenery and location of filming were amazing, as it literally looked like a laboratory. There was also a clear plot defined while also leaving room for a movie - something many submissions neglect to include. One thing I would say is a con would be the lack of dialogue,  but it's something that isn't really necessary for the type of film they were going for. Nonetheless, they did a great job and it's something I definitely need to take note of. 

MOVIE 7: Stalker

Although this movie sequence wasn't terrible, I feel like there were a lot of things that could've been done better. It was a very interesting concept, one that is very rarely seen in production. However, there was a severe lack of dialogue, which made it seem pretty awkward. Another thing I felt could be improved would be the sound; whether it be sound effects or music, I feel like the volume could be adjusted and alternated throughout. Like I said previously, I feel like lighting is one of the most crucial parts of a film and it's something I think was very lacking. It was a very interesting story, but I'm not sure what could be done after the opening since it seemed like it ended directly after the intro sequence did. 

Movie 8: Nostalgia 

This was one of the most confusing movie sequences that I saw today. While the opening scene of the trees wasn't terrible, I'm not sure if it contributed to anything important. I picked up the gist of the movie, that it was a woman reminiscing on her past life. One thing that the student did well was the camera work and the lighting wasn't too bad. I felt like some of the shots were too long, making the atmosphere awkward.  

I think this was one of the most productive brainstorming sessions I've had, especially for this project. There were so many different ideas and techniques that I found that I'm definitely going to incorporate into the movie sequence. Some of the ideas that I felt like I needed to include would be the specialization of lighting as shown in movie 6. That was something I loved and could only hope to replicate. Additionally, the first two movies' use of flashbacks is something that I might end up using. After watching, I realize the importance of music and sound effects, although I'm not entirely sure what I want to include yet. I know it's going to be important though. Next, the type of shots and editing was helpful as it's good to see what other students are doing and how well they accomplish it. 


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