Film Expressionism


Fantasy Moodboard

 SO! Welcome back! 

Today in class, I was tasked with making a mood board for any genre I wanted. It was pretty obvious, but I decided to go the mythical direction and chose Fantasy. It's one of my favorite categories in film and literature alike because of the ability to explore different ideas without the restrictions of the real world. It allows the writer an easier output for their emotions as it can be a great method for experimenting. 

As we can see with the three pictures describing the setting, it has a medieval, even renaissance feel. There are high castles, with a bustling tavern each synonymous with the Fantasy genre. Next, we have a specific type of instrument, a lute, which is commonly played by travelers and bards. Additionally, there is a mysterious person with a cloak walking through a stream passage. This, along with the bow, are all common characteristics with chracters in a supernatural novel. Finally, there is the inclusion of pointed ears, which many elfs possess. The use of inhuman or magical creatures is something which allows this genre to branch out from being science fiction. 

As soon as I got this assignment, I knew what I wanted. There are two genres which I love no matter how many different iterations of the same plot I see: Romance and Fantasy. Since I thought Romance would be a commonly used trope, I chose the more unique on and picked Fantasy. The reason it's so appealing to me is because of the many different races, cultures, and politics that are created and encapture the reader. 


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