In Comparison to My Peers

 So last class I was given the opportunity to look at my classmates' blogs and see how I stack up against them. I was able to see not only their shots but their inspiration behind each one as well. It was a very enlightening experience as I was able to form a basis as to what I should and should not include. 

When looking at Nicole Lastra-Rodriguez's post, I was blown away by her formatting. It was so good that I felt like I was doing something wrong and knew I had to change it. So I did. I found some ways to make it look nice and eventually got it to a point where I can say I'm proud of my blog. 

Next, I found Sarah Sanabria's work and got even more insight. The fonts they used throughout their post were really unique and enthralling, as were their camera shots as well. 

Both candidates I observed had good shots presented, for instance, Nicole had the "Over-the-Shoulder" and "POV" shots which I thoroughly enjoyed. Interestingly enough, we both had similar ideas for an over-the-shoulder shot, however, mine was scrapped and replaced with another take. We both had similar reasons as to why we chose that shot, such as conveying feelings of emotion between two characters with a phone. Next, their point-of-view shot was pleasant as well. Although we both used a POV shot, we had strikingly different ways we wanted the shot to be handled. I attempted to have my shot act as an introduction to my character, while they used this as an opportunity to build tension and show the subject chasing another character. I don't believe that these shots are much - if any - higher than me in terms of skill, execution, and creativity. 

Following this, we had Sarah's post. Once again, their format was very creative and inspired me to change my blog as well. She had a nice theme going on, which clearly influenced many of their shots. A shot that I both like and critique at the same time was the Extreme-Close up. While I loved the creativity and concept of the scene, I just wish it was a second or two longer. It ends immediately after the stomp occurs which I assume could've been used to build tension with the sudden ending. Though this may be the case, I would've had it a little longer to show the aftermath of what happened and likely keep the camera on the puddle longer. 

Overall, it was refreshing to see other people's blog posts as it enabled me to see what the rest of the class is working with. I don't think I'm behind in terms of the quality of videos, but maybe my blog itself could be improved. Whether it be to establish a central theme or change the aesthetic, I could work to improve it.


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