About me

 Hey, what's up! If it's your first time meeting me, I'm Jacob Pina. So for a little introduction, I'm a junior at Everglades High with hopes of going to University either out of state or at the University of Florida. 

I would consider myself a pretty good student who's pretty active in the community. I am an officer for my school's Speech and Debate team and an avid competitor within the national circuit. When there's a University hosting a large-scale tournament, I'm probably going to be there. If you live in my city, odds are you've seen me biking around as well. That's one of my favorite things to do in my free time besides reading. Philosophy and Fantasy are by far my favorite genres, so it's pretty obvious all I do with my life is question existence itself while simultaneously imagining myself in another world. 

I chose to take the Media Studies course for a learning experience to get into the film industry. I'm doing this because my Uncle is a photographer who gets posted in large magazines, such as National Geographic. Film and photography fall under similar categories so I feel this would be a nice way to start learning what he does on a frequent basis. 

Well, that's it for my first post, hope you understand a bit more about who I am and what I'm going to be doing in this course. 

Thanks for your time, JP


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